
Voice Ordering with TDL and MyHudson

Case Studies / Lifestyle / Programs / Venues/Hospitality /

Voice Ordering with TDL and MyHudson – Whilst most businesses have been impacted by the Coronavirus over the last year, the sports and hospitality sector has been particularly hit hard. With fans and customers prevented from returning to stadiums, there remains a continued sense of uncertainty over when those restrictions might be lifted.

When people do come back, what mechanisms can be put into place to better manage the flow of people and how they navigate a venue?

“Even before Covid-19, The Digital Line TDL) always saw a future that was frictionless, contactless, touchless and heavily influenced by voice,” says TDL Director, Andy Coney.

“There are clearly many guidelines that have been introduced and one of the challenges for businesses, in general, is that a lot of the messaging coming back is mixed and not completely uninformed.

“As a technology consultancy working across many areas, including health, education, sport, and retail, TDL is always looking for cross-sector technology that can provide solutions.

“We have been big supporters of voice technology and already activated some very successful projects built around this platform in the health sector with the elderly.

“One exciting new technology we have been directly involved in is the MyHudson voice ordering system that works directly off these systems.”


Voice as an ordering system is finally here. The Digital Line has been working on an Amazon Alexa skill that allows people to place orders using only their voice.

“Developed by The Digital Line and key partner, Halo, MyHudson was initially envisioned for the health care sector, but we have since refined the product to allow the system to be used in other areas, including corporate box hospitality,” continues, Andy.

So how does it work?

“In simple terms, each box is assigned a voice-activated device and within the MyHudson application, a list of products can be called up and placed for order on a digital order form.

“The backend of the system allows staff to monitor incoming orders and then deliver them to the box, where payment is satisfied through card or contactless”.

Phase two of the project will see the MyHudson product linked directly to POS, so that orders confirmed by voice can be deducted against stock and even satisfied within the system if a box holder has a pre-existing account already set up in the system.

The process is seamless and more importantly, completely touchless.

“What this means for a venue is that rather than have staff waiting in boxes or even stationed outside, a greater element of control is passed over to the box occupants. They can place an order, see it listed on the screen, confirm it and then have the request dealt with and delivered without any need for direct human interaction.

“In a world where the fear of transmission and a positive test could bring an event to a standstill, it seems like a logical step to take.

“The MyHudson system also has a fully-featured back-end, allowing operators to gain real-time information on most popular product ranges, listed by box, by time and even by person. We can also work climate and key event triggers into the mix so that we are quickly able to understand customer demand and react if necessary.”


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Daniel Church

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