Despite the many rallying calls to inflict real change to a predominately male-dominated industry, things...
Despite the many rallying calls to inflict real change to a predominately male-dominated industry, things...
From Code Breaker to (Video) Call Maker - How one centenarian is using Amazon’s Alexa device to keep...
The Digital Line (TDL) research and technical innovation consultancy have been featured in the August...
As The Digital Line (TDL) begins to expand its distribution program of Alexa devices to care homes in the UK and Europe,...
Digital health is no longer the fascination of science fiction movies and future theorists as more companies...
The Digital Line (TDL) has been involved in many health initiatives in the care sector and following...
Emotive Eye - According to the Alzheimer’s Society, there are around 850,000 people in the UK with...
TDL Brings VR to Canford Healthcare - The residents of a London borough care home are going through...
AI to Assist in the Battle with Cancer - Prime Minister, Theresa May claimed today that the diagnosis...
Like Chocolate - The evidence seems to be irrefutable. The nation’s health is in a very sorry state....