Despite the many rallying calls to inflict real change to a predominately male-dominated industry, things...
Despite the many rallying calls to inflict real change to a predominately male-dominated industry, things...
Digital health is no longer the fascination of science fiction movies and future theorists as more companies...
Emotive Eye - According to the Alzheimer’s Society, there are around 850,000 people in the UK with...
Robot Ethics - God is coming. I don’t mean it in any fanatical, religious sense but in the true...
Identity Crisis - The media has gone to great lengths to carve society into specific social groups....
AI – The Bridge Between Reality & Hype - Depending on who you speak to – and there are clear...
FlirtAR – Dating By AR - Internet dating has been an established part of the dating scene for many...
AI to Assist in the Battle with Cancer - Prime Minister, Theresa May claimed today that the diagnosis...
AI Scans Could Keep Mums and Babies Safer - Many years ago I wrote a major article, working with a top medic,...
Alexa! What are Amazon’s Profits? - Bizarrely Amazon has just recommended that I buy a pack of Chinese...